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Aceite de las Valdesas

I would  like to taste the olive oil from the new harvest. How can I buy it?


bottles of just made olive oil


Varieties of olive oils already available

The fresh extra virgin olive oils of the new 2023/2024 harvest of all varieties are now available: Picual, Arbequina, Hojiblanca, Manzanilla and Frantoio.

You can place your orders in our online store. Thanks a lot!



Organic olive oil will probably be available in December.


When does the olive harvest begin? When is the olive oil from the new crop available?

At Valdesas estate the olive harvest begins in late October and usually ends in early December.

The olive fruit varieties are collected by order of ripening, being the Frantoio and Arbequina the most early season, followed by Manzanilla, Hojiblanca and Picual.

Generally, if weather conditions do not prevent, in mid-November we already have available fresh olive oil from the new harvest of all varieties.

If you want to be notified when new olive oil will be already available, send us your name and email address.

At harvest time, in the news section of our home page we will publish when the new varieties are availables.


Fresh extra virgin olive oils

Fresh olive oils are very popular in the main producing areas as the voice of a new oil mill already has run, people around will buy directly from them. They are unfiltered olive oil directly from the mill.

They have a more dense and cloudy appearance than olive oils at supermarkets. Tasting these fresh olive oils, consumers realize that  extra virgin olive is a genuine olive juice.

Unfortunately, outside these producing areas,  these fresh olive oils are unknown. However, thanks to the Internet, we can offer them to everyone. Give us your email and you will be notified!