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First-time Purchase Discount
Aceite de las Valdesas

How to leave a review on the web

If you are registered on our website and you have already ordered oil online with us you can leave a review and get a 8% discount coupon for your next order.


1) Log in with your email address and password.


Iniciar sesión


2) In your customer profile, click on the orders tab and all the orders you have placed on the web will appear.

(Only the orders you have placed with your user account will appear, i.e. the ones you have logged in to place the order)


Ficha de cliente


3) Click on your last order and its details will be displayed. A "Leave  us your opinion" button is displayed at the bottom.


Detalle de pedidos

Deja tu opinion


4) Write your review and we will send you an email with the discount coupon for your next purchase.


Deja tu reseña y recibe el cupón



* This discount coupon is valid for 1 year.

* This offer cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts on the same order.

* For the coupon to work, remember that you must log in with your email and password and enter it manually during the purchase process.


Añadir el código de descuento

If you have any problems please do not hesitate to contact us.